The Servant

April S. Davenport is a servant after God's own heart. She committed her life to Christ at the age of ten and since that time, she has sought to fulfill the purpose God has designed for her.

She was born the eldest of two daughters to Ray and Cathey Davenport and reared in Decatur, Georgia. She was educated through the Dekalb County School System and graduated at the top of her class from Southwest Dekalb High School. She furthered her education at The University of Notre Dame where she received her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in English Language and Literature. Upon graduation, she entered into the PhD program at The University of Alabama as a Future Faculty Fellow. She is currently pursuing the completion of her degree.

She teaches English at Georgia State University, where she has taught for seven years. Her primary research is situated in African American Literature, specifically the Black Intellectual during the Harlem Renaissance.

April is a member of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia under the leadership of Pastor Jerry D. Black. She is an active member of the Music Ministry, the Women's Ministry, Church Program Committee and leads several large scale events such as Family and Friends Day and the Day of Service, an event feeding and serving members of the Homeless Community.

April also serves as the Director of Operations at Papered Wonders, Inc. which specializes in graphic design and printing. 

April is a member of the illustrious sorority of Delta Sigma Theta and actively participates in their community service projects. She has a passion for reading, writing, traveling, tutoring, and spending time with her family and close friends. 

At the age of sixteen, April knew that she had been called into ministry and she immediately accepted that call- but privately. It wasn’t until 2017 when her Pastor preached a sermon from Luke 5 entitled “Launch Out into The Deep” that she realized she needed to accept the call publicly. Since that time, she has established a non-profit, ASD Ministries, that enables her to perform community service, mentor young girls, and establish programming for youth.

April S. Davenport lives her life daily under the instruction found in Matthew 6:33, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.”