The Service


ASD Ministries is fully committed to the work of the Lord. In our mission to seek, serve and share, we are devoted to yielding to the Lord’s leading
on how to best serve His people. 

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FreshStart Fridays

This IG page is aimed at providing inspiration throughout the week through devotion and scripture. God’s Word is our best resource as we travel this Christian journey and followers of @freshstartfridays can always find positivity and a #freshstart upon their visit. This effort began in 2017 and remains a constant source of encouragement.


Blankets and Breakfast

This initiative also began in 2017 and seeks to provide a warm breakfast, blankets and toiletry items to the members of the homeless community in Atlanta. Primarily taking place in the winter months, volunteers deliver the breakfast, along with toiletry items and blankets, directly to the streets of Atlanta in order to provide our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ with nourishment for their bodies and their souls. On any given visit, our volunteers are able to feed over 100 persons. 


Lunch and Learn

This project focuses on providing youth with a boxed lunch and a book for summer reading. It is proven that children who read on or above grade level are placed at a higher advantage to succeed to we want to encourage children and teenagers to develop a love for reading by providing them with books that help them to make self to text identifications, text to text connections and text to world identifications. It is our goal to reach one hundred children per summer.


FreshStart VBS

Birthed during a pandemic, this initiative brought to life Vacation Bible School but in a fresh, creatively bold way. While the Word of God never changes, we must seek to make it relevant to the ever-changing generation. FreshStart VBS remained true to the nature of learning God’s way, but introduced concepts of art education, physical education and social justice in order to apply God’s Word to everyday living.



Details coming soon…


Cre8tive Girl
Bible Study

Details coming soon…